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  • Writer's pictureBecca Duplantie

5 Eyelash Extensions Myths Busted!

Before getting eyelash extensions, do your research! Ask for a diploma as a lot of technicians are now self-taught and that's when problems happen. Obviously at this point you are considering BEC esthetics to be your new lash tech and we are very grateful and great news, we love to keep them healthy!

BEC esthetics is a privately own business and as our lash artist is a full time student and works as well, she is pretty busy. We are always looking to accommodate you to the best of our abilities and so, if you do not see a time that suit your needs we do have other options. Just message us!

For now, let's go though the rules and break some myths!

Myth: They are damaging to your natural lashes/they will make them fall out

Reality: The key to proper lash extensions is your lash artist and her method of work! If lashes are applied using quality products and respecting the length and thickness of your natural lashes with the right amount of glue and isolation, the extensions will NOT damage your lashes (everything you're wondering about length, thickness and curl in the next blog post). If they are applied respecting all of these elements, they should never break off or pull out you natural lashes.

Mind you, your lashes do shed, so don't be surprise when you see some in your sink after washing up! Be mindful to not pick or pull at them either.

Myth: It's painful or uncomfortable

Reality: It should not be! It's actually the best time for a nap. It's extra beauty sleep, literally!

If the technician starts and you feel a slight sting, tell your technician right away as you might be allergic to the glue. Most technicians use hypoallergenic, but some people are allergic to those specific ingredients!

If you are getting a full set done, your eyes might be red for the next 3 hours, but no longer. That reaction is most commonly due to some collagen residue from the patch that was under your eyes for a good amount of time. If the redness persist over 8 hours you might be allergic to a certain product and you should get in contact with your technician to know the following steps she would recommend. Keep in mind that we are not doctors and are not allowed to 'prescribe' you anything. On the other side, they may recommend something until you can get to your family doctor.

The lashes shouldn't be uncomfortable either. If they are, the lack of isolation might be the cause of that. If the lashes weren't properly isolated by the technician, they might be now slightly glued together from the drying period. If they are, itchiness is a sign as lashes are never on the same growth spend and so one will grow as the other pulls him back.

Again, if the technician respects all the right steps you shouldn't have these reactions.

Myth: Lash techs are all the same, might as well go to the cheapest one

Reality: It's not because it's cheaper that it's better and lash techs are certainly not all the same, beware!

NOT done by BEC esthetics - Example of bad lash work

Lash techs points:

  • Make sure to ask for a certification proof! Some so called 'techs' were self-thought and got their products online from Amazon. Your eyes are so important, please do your research

  • It takes about a year for a lash artist to have beautiful work and still improve. It all depends on the amount of practice they get

  • Lash artists are never satisfied with what they know/have, they always want to learn more, get the best on the market & so offer the best quality they can! Their work is their life

  • Word of mouth is probably the best way to go!

Pricing points:

  • Pricing varies mostly on the combination of area & expertise

  • Beginners might charge less to get practice, it's called an 'introduction price'. They are able to practice and make a name slowly. You can check them out as well!

  • If you are downtown, there's a fair chance the prices will be higher. Higher does not necessarily mean better either. Basically, DO YOUR RESEARCH! Look at pictures, before/after, look at reviews, etc.

Myth: They are for young people. Only extreme lashes available on the market!

Reality: Ouff no! Lashes are customizable! Most of our clients are older than 28 and yes younger people tend to go more extreme, but don't forget they wear more makeup, go out like crazy and always want what others have, like lashes, which theirs are very strong and grow like crazy. On the other hand, the collagen in your body stops reproducing itself when you turn 25. Ugh, life! Well this also means that your hair and nails are more fragile and have a slower growth, all depends on your health and genetics. We have clients in their 60's getting them because they can't wear mascara due to smudging! There's many reasons to get them and get them to fit you and your style! Everybody is different and so are your lashes. There's many lengths, curl, thickness and style to choose from, ask your technician what would be best according to your lashes.

Myth: You can't reapply lash extensions repeatedly for a long amount of time

Reality: This isn't true. Lashes have their own growth spend and cycles are usually seen every 3-4 months. You will feel like you lost a lot and that is normal. Techs should never add extensions to the 'baby lashes' as we call them, which is the Anagen phase, because that will stop their healthy growth from happening properly.

Eyelash growth cycle BEC esthetics client's natural healthy lashes

Breaks are totally up to you! Most of my clients have been getting their lashes non-stop for 1 to 2 years now. The only time I would ever recommend a actual break is if I see they need it. Most commonly, this will be due to a change in your hormones causing them to weaken. Yet again there is ways to keep them going if you want; shorter, lighter, not as thick, etc.

When you take a break or decide to stop getting your lashes done, you might feel like they are shorter & lighter and that is simply because you have the memory of your extensions and not of your own actual lashes, so don't go panicking! The most common question I get is the natural lashes are looking. I always keep a record of before and after and I am more than whiling to show you your lashes at the beginning and at your break period, or even at a fill session so you know where they are at.

You never start caring about your lashes until you do something to them, that's just a fact!

- Becca Duplantie

And here you go, 5 eyelash extensions myths busted! Hope this gives you a new perspective on what you hear versus the truth. If you have any questions feel free to ask, comment, like ans share as we would love to hear from you.

We post every second Monday and the next blog post subject will be complementary to this one as we will show you the different types of length, thickness, curl and style as well as giving you tips ad tricks to keep these babies strong and healthy!

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